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Partly cloudy, warm, and humid with highs in the mid-80s
Forecast - Partly cloudy. Chance of pop-up shower. Highs in the mid-80s.
Partly cloudy Thursday with highs in mid-80s; scattered rain chances to return late Friday | WTOL 11
Forecast - Partly cloudy and humid. Chance for showers
Today's Forecast: Partly cloudy with heat and humidity
Forecast - Becoming partly cloudy and gradually less humid with highs in the low 80s.
Today's Forecast: Partly cloudy, hot, and humid with isolated shower chance
Mostly sunny and warm, but less humid
Partly cloudy, hot, and somewhat humid
A Partly Cloudy, Warm And Humid Tuesday
Today's Forecast: Partly cloudy and humid
Today's Forecast: Hot and humid with highs in the upper 80s